amazing weekend workshops at the buddhist center in Gloucester Road 19th and 20th of November "Introduction to Sound Healing" also with a guest Suzanne Harris from Scotland, PLUS Monthly Ceremonial Sound Journey on that Saturday night 19th, Im gonna publish detailed Info pretty soon but check on your schedule! :) this will be Tribal Sound Healing LAUNCH WEEKEND! :)
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Hello dear family!
just to let you know that this wekend coming up 28th - 30th of october Im going back to Scotland. We will be running few events related to Sound in Scotland organized by my dear sister Suzanne from Soundsphere, Im posting here the flyers for the events and links for detailed info ;) thank you in advance!! hope to see you there!
Celebrating the energy of the Armadillo, what a wonderful group and ceremony we had! :) thank you very much all for coming and will keep you posted for the events coming up oh and again, happy birthday to our dear brother Nima! :) some info about our day: Welcoming the corner of the Earth, the Mama, The Mother, representing the levels where our physical body grows and unfolds. Today is a day to re-establish our ground, to stand up high like a Tree, to return to our grace and peace with each other, remembering that we are Nature, that there is no separation, there are no animals and plants separated from us, we are part of the whole. In the wheel of ancient Mayan wisdom, the powerful medicine of the Armadillo, governs this day, bringing us the connection of the Heart of the Sky with the Heart of the Earth. It manifests all what we can become when following the wisdom from the heavens into our path. This medicine brings the armour that we use when difficult situations approaches. Armadillo carries his armour on the back and he can roll up as a ball and nothing can penetrate him. What a gift to set our boundaries so that harmful words and intentions just roll off. So lets set up whatever we are willing to experience as our shield, a shield where anything out of our wishes roll off, and if anything out of that shield make us feel invaded, Armadillo says “whenever you feel invaded just call me, I am there”. |
Sound“The highest goal of music is to connect one’s soul to their Divine Nature, not entertainment” Pythagoras (569- 475 BC). Archives
January 2012
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